Decorating for Fall


Now that it’s early September and fall is just around the corner,  I can’t wait to bring out my boxes of fall decorations and get started turning my home into a cozy fall retreat. (Of course, the temperatures outside are still in the 90’s – ah, California falls!).

I usually start with the front door where I hang fall leaves around the door and place a fall style wreath on the door itself. I keep the white lights on around the edge until October where I’ll change them to orange for Halloween.


Next up is the fireplace mantle. I’m so lucky to have a huge mantle that wraps around the side and towards the staircase which gives me tons of display space.


I start by clearing everything but the white lights off the mantle. It’s a good time to clean and dust everything that’s been up all summer and get ready for a fresh start.


I usually start with silk fall leaves that I purchase from Michaels. I layer these so different strands mix together to create a nice color palette. I turn on the white lights so I can make sure that everything looks even before adding other items. (Note that I’m keeping my white ironstone butter pat display up since I love it so much!).


I then begin adding other fall-themed items including candles, brown ironstone transferware pieces, pumpkins, and gourds. I love this new brown wooden candlestick I purchased at Michaels (50% off!!).


I’ve added a leaf and twig piece to my archway to add more color and height to this display.


I’ll also decorate around mirrors and flat surfaces – bookshelves, tables and cupboards. I like to fill my cast iron urns with colorful fall leaves and greenery as well.


I’d love to hear how you’re decorating your home for fall.